Kutse retkele --> ARCHITECTURE OF WAR

Kindlusehitised. Teed, sadamad ja lennuväljad. Kasarmud ja linnakud.
Maalinnad ja linnused. Kõik militaararhitektuurist.
Postitusi: 1
Liitunud: 24 Apr, 2013 22:11

Kutse retkele --> ARCHITECTURE OF WAR

Postitus Postitas linnalabor »

Lugupeetud militaar. net foorumi külastajad

Korraldame Linnalaboriga 10. urbanistika ja linnamaastike programmi raames sellel pühapäeval retke militaararhitektuuri radadel, kus peategelaseks on Peeter Suure Merekindlus. Retk toimub inglise keeles ja seda juhivad eriala spetsialistid. "Architecture of War: Trip on the traces of Peter the Great´s Naval Fortress" on hea võimalus Eestis viibivate külalistel jt tutvuda kohaliku militaarpärandiga.

Retkel osalemiseks on vaja teha ülekanne veel täna, 25. aprillil, nii reserveeritakse koht bussis.


Sunday, 28.04.2013

The surroundings of Tallinn are filled with traces of vast defense system that was never completed and never used for its initial purpose. These pieces of unique military history are now in the backyards of local residents, flooded by water and in the depths of forests. On this trip we will explore some of the positions of Peter the Great´s Naval Fortress in Suurupi, Humala and Kiia. Be prepared to stroll in the bunkers, climb the tracks of this once grand defense system, similar to the Maginot Line in France.

Our guide on the tour will be Peeter Nork from the Estonian Heritage Board and Deiw Rahumägi from the NGO Nelja Valla Kogu.

The language on the trip will be English.

Journey: Tallinn-Suurupi-Humala-Kiia-Tallinn

If possible, please take along flashlights and wear water-proof footwear. Weather can be fickle. Be prepared to walk to some sights.
The trip starts at 10 am from Balti jaam (the train station), the bus will be waiting for us on the parking lot next to Shnelli park, in the beginning of Nunne street.

The fee, 20 Euros, that includes the bus, a bowl of soup and some snacks, needs to be paid beforehand, so that we can take this into account when reserving the bus. If you wish to join, please transfer the sum for today, Thursday the 25th of April to the account of Estonian Academy of Arts 10002006966000 (SEB Bank), keyword ULD+name of the participant. The trip will be approximately 6h long.

Taking into account the popularity of previous trips by Linnalabor we suggest to react quickly and reserve a spot for yourself by transferring the fee. There are 30 free places maximum.

Urban walks are organised by NGO Linnalabor (http://www.linnalabor.ee). This trip is a part of the official program on 10th urban and landscape days (http://architectureofwar.artun.ee/). The development of Urban walks is supported by the administrative division of Estonian Ministry of the Interior and National Foundation of Civil Society.

If you have any questions then don’t hesitate to get in touch linnaretked@linnalabor.ee
Also check urban walks on facebook --> facebook.com/linnaretked

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