Hiina õhuvägi

Laevad, lennukid, tankid... Kõik sõjatehnikast.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1182
Liitunud: 17 Mär, 2008 11:12
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas Hydrazine »

Huvitav, mis luuk see kahe mootori peal lahti on osadel piltidel. Plaaner on kindlasti väga huvitava konfiguratsiooniga, tõenäoliselt igas suunas ebastabiilne ja puhas "electric jet".
Postitusi: 506
Liitunud: 17 Juun, 2006 19:57

Postitus Postitas John »

Huvitav, mis luuk see kahe mootori peal lahti on osadel piltidel. Plaaner on kindlasti väga huvitava konfiguratsiooniga, tõenäoliselt igas suunas ebastabiilne ja puhas "electric jet".
eelmisel leheküljel on ühe pildi peal näha pidurdusvarju umbes sama koha peal mootorite vahel. Ehk sellega seotud?
Inter arma enim silent leges (sõja aegadel on seadused vaiksed) Cicero
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1182
Liitunud: 17 Mär, 2008 11:12
Asukoht: Tallinn

Postitus Postitas Hydrazine »

Mõtisklesin ise ka selle üle, et pidurdusvari, aga väga ebaharilik koht. Ja miks ta siis pärani on kogu aeg, ka ühel hiina saidil oli õhkutõusmispildil see luuk pärani. Aga suur Hiina valitsus on nüüd ära tsenseerinud oma interneti, viskaks lingi aga polegi enam saiti.
Postitusi: 19939
Liitunud: 12 Apr, 2006 15:49

Postitus Postitas Lemet »


Это не истребитель пятого поколения
Errare humanum est-aga veel inimlikum on selle teise kraesse väänamine...
Postitusi: 489
Liitunud: 31 Aug, 2008 3:25

Postitus Postitas Tiam »

http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2011/01/1 ... y-looking/
But then you look the details and you realize this thing is just sort of cobbled together,” he added.

Take, for instance, the canards: forewings close to the nose of the aircraft that provide maneuverability. According to Mr. Aboulafia, “There’s no better way of guaranteeing a radar reflection and compromise of stealth” than adding canards to the aircraft.

The same goes for the engine nozzles, which Mr. Aboulafia said were clearly not designed to be stealthy, as well the large overall size of the aircraft.
Need kaks asja on PAK FA puhul siiski lahendatud ning tundub, et J-20 võib olla rohkem PR üritus kui seda on venelaste PAK FA T-50.
Postitusi: 489
Liitunud: 31 Aug, 2008 3:25

Postitus Postitas Tiam »

China got the technology for its first stealth fighter jet from Russia, a senior US lawmaker said Tuesday, one week after the airplane apparently made its maiden flight.

"My understanding is that they built it on information that they received from Russia, from a Russian plane, that they were able to copy," House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon told reporters.

McKeon, a Republican, said he hoped to "hear more" on the issue from Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who was on a visit to Beijing when Chinese state media published photographs of the J-20 fighter in the skies over southwestern China.

According to the reports, which cited witnesses, the next-generation war jet -- the existence of which highlights China's drive to modernize its military -- made a 15-minute test flight before landing.

The lawmaker, who had been asked whether Beijing had obtained the technology needed to build such an advanced fighter from cyber-espionage, also stressed that "China's a concern" for US national security.

"We need to be looking at China, we need to be looking at North Korea, we need to be looking at Iran," said McKeon, who has given a skeptical greeting to Gates' plans for reductions in US military spending.

"That's what really concerns me when I look at the cuts, the potential cuts, that they're talking about for the defense budget. This is not a safe world," said the lawmaker.
Allikas: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id ... _article=1

Tundub, et vene + india tehnoloogia on siiski piisaval tasemel, et hiina peab seda kopeerima, mitte vastupid. India ja Venemaa võivad koos vägagi eduka tandemi moodustada: elektroonika Indiast ja materjaliteadused + baasteadused (füüsika, matemaatika) Venemaalt, kus nad on alati ka ausees olnud. Veidi irooniline, et PAK FA üheks suurimaks konkurendiks järgmise 10-20a jooksul saab rahvusvahelisel relvaturul arvatavasti tema enda "geene" kandev kotkas.
Postitusi: 489
Liitunud: 31 Aug, 2008 3:25

Postitus Postitas Tiam »

January 21, 2011: American intelligence believes that the tech behind the new Chinese J-20 stealth aircraft came from Russia. So far, not a lot of protests from Russia. This might indicate that MiG sold some tech to the Chinese, and didn't issue a press release. Of the four stealth fighters than have been built and flown so far (U.S. F-22 and F-35, Russian T-50 and I.42), it was noted that the J-20 looks most like the I.42, a MiG project that was cancelled in 1997. The rear portion of the J-20 is particularly similar to the MiG I.42. MiG has been having financial problems for over a decade, and was eventually bailed out by the Russian government, and absorbed into the new Russian Aircraft Corporation. Before that, it would have been tempting for a MiG executive to pass plans for the cancelled I.42 to the Chinese in exchange for a large amount of cash deposited in a Swiss bank account, or to simply do a legit deal, with government approval.

The J-20 made its first flight on January 11th, two weeks after it was seen doing taxi tests at a factory airstrip in central China. There are two J-20 prototypes, one with Russian AL-31 engines, and one with Chinese WS-10As (a copy of the AL-31). China is releasing very little information, and apparently accepted the fact that flight tests could not be hidden. Based on recent warplane development projects (J-11 in particular), the J-20 has a long development road ahead of it, and will likely change size and shape before it reaches the production design. Thus it’s quite possible that the J-20 is just a development prototype. The Chinese know how complex aircraft like the F-22 and F-35 are, and the large number of technologies required to create a true 5th Generation aircraft. China has already demonstrated its willingness to spend decades perfecting the capability to design and build advanced weapons systems.

While the shape of the J-20 confers a degree of stealthiness (invisibility to radar), even more electronic invisibility comes from special materials covering the aircraft. It's not known how far along the Chinese are in creating, or stealing, these materials. Same with engines. The current engines being used are sufficient for early flight tests, but not capable of providing the "super-cruise" (high speed cruising while consuming far less fuel than usual). Super cruise would be essential for the J-20, since China would most likely use the aircraft singly, or in small groups, to seek out and attack American carriers. Two years ago, China announced it was developing the WS-15 engine, a more powerful beast well suited for the J-20. No date was given as to when the WS-15 would be available for use.

For the J-20 to be a superior fighter, it would need electronics (including radars and defense systems) on a par with the F-35 and F-22. So far, the Chinese have not caught up with stuff used by current American fighters. But the gap is being closed, faster than it was during the Cold War and the Russians were creating, or stealing, their way to military tech equivalence with the West. Work on the J-20 began in the late 1990s, and the Chinese knew that it could be 25 years or more before they had a (hopefully competitive) stealth fighter-bomber.

The twin engine J-20 appears to be a 36-40 ton aircraft that is longer (at 24 meters/75 feet) than the F-35 or F-22. The F-35A is a 31 ton, single engine fighter while the F-22 is slightly larger at 38 tons. The I.42 was a 42 ton aircraft that was 19 meters long while the 37 ton T-50 19.8 meters long. The J-20 appears to be a fighter-bomber, as this kind of aircraft would be most useful dealing with the U.S. Navy and key targets in Taiwan or Japan. The J-20 appears to have more internal weapons space than the F-22, thus capable of carrying more weapons, particularly anti-ship missiles. It appears that China is planning on having the J-20 ready for service by the end of the decade. The key factor is their ability to develop or steal the needed technology by then.

Russian fifth generation fighter developments were halted when the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991. Actually, all development work on new fighters, by everyone, slowed down in the 1990s. But work on the F-22, F-35, Eurofighter and Rafale continued, and those aircraft became, in roughly that order, the most advanced fighter aircraft available today. MiG resumed work on the I.42 in the 1990s, but had to stop after a few years because of a lack of money. Sukhoi has never stopped working on its T-50, funded by much higher sales of its Su-27/30 fighters. This fifth generation may come to be called the "last generation," after they are replaced by the second generation of pilotless combat aircraft (counting armed Predators and the like as the first).
Allikas: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htairf ... 10121.aspx
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4871
Liitunud: 14 Aug, 2008 14:19

Hiinlaste teine varg-hävitaja J31 tegi esmalennu

Postitus Postitas Gideonic »

Kahe aasta jooksul on siis õhku tõusnud 2 erinevat "stealth" hävitaja mudelit, Teine on eelmine aasta esmalennu teinud J-20.


http://defensetech.org/2012/11/01/china ... more-18814

Bill Sweetman on selle kohta väga asjaliku artikli kirjutatud, mida refereeitakse ka ülalpool:
http://www.aviationweek.com/Blogs.aspx? ... e20a1cb3e5
"It looks as if the engines are to the rear of the bulkhead that carries the main landing gear…the designers have been able to install long weapon bays," he commented on the J-31.

"If you ever wondered what a JSF (F-35) might look without those constraints, we now have a live, physical example. Unfortunately…it is Chinese," Sweetman wrote.
Üldiselt siis F-35 mõõtu hävitaja, mis on vähe mõistlikuma ülessehitusega. Ahhiliuse kand on mootorid, mis on Mig-29 sugemetega RD-93'ed. Kuna lennuk on üsna sale, siis tal ilmselt kütusevarud liiga suured ei ole ja arvestades Mig'i "lühikeste jalgade" sündroomi (mis tuleneb paljuski ka mootoritest) on võimalik et seda jagab ka see hävitaja. Hiinlastel on muidugi mõnda aega arenduses juba ka enda mootor (WS-13), mis peaks teises iteratsioonis tulema mõnevõrra võimsam. kasutada on neil plaan seda ka ainult ekspordiks toodetaval JF-17'el aga arvatavasti läheb sellega aega.

Tasub ka märkimist, et lennukil tundub olevat üsna tugev telik. Ees on näiteks 2 ratast, mis on seni kasutusel vaid J-15'el (SU-33 hiina analoog). Samuti on tagumised stabilisaatorid üsna suured, mis vihjab potentsiaalsele lennukikandja versioonile tulevikus.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4871
Liitunud: 14 Aug, 2008 14:19

Re: Hiinlaste teine varg-hävitaja J31 tegi esmalennu

Postitus Postitas Gideonic »

Veel mõned pildid:


Viimasel pildil siis paremalt vasakule J-20, J-31, F-22, F-35.
Väline sarnasus F-35ga on eestvaates väga suur. Arvatavasti on siin oma osa ka aastate jooksul mainitud infoleketel, kus Locheed'i allhankijatelt varastati kümnete gigabaitide jagu infot F-35 kohta. Kindlasti ei ole aga tegu lihtlabase klooniga, selleks on kogu lennuki sisepaigutus liiga erinev (2 mootorit, 1 suur keskmine "relvaruum" 4 väiksema asemel mootori ümber jne jne).
Kasutaja avatar
Kilo Tango
Postitusi: 9144
Liitunud: 14 Aug, 2008 15:40

Re: Hiinlaste teine varg-hävitaja J31 tegi esmalennu

Postitus Postitas Kilo Tango »

Gideonic kirjutas:...
Selline lennuki mõõtmine pildil on üsna jabur. Eriti kui tulemust väljendatakse kolm kohta pärast koma (milllimeetri täpsusega). Üks lennuk võib olla teisest oluliselt erineval kõrgusel - kõrguste vahet on väga raske määrata. Kuna lennukid võivad asetuda eri kõrgustel, siis on praktiliselt võimatu kindlaks teha ka nende täpset omavahelist kaugust, mis võib paljustki sõltuda pildistamise rakursist. Näiteks (lihtsalt illustreerimiseks - näha on, et see nii ei ole) võivad antud pildid lennukid ka asetseda selliselt, et SU asub hiinlase kohal. Ainus asi, millest selle pildi peal kinni võiks võtta on mootori düüside läbimõõt, mis teada-tuntud mootorite tõttu on võrreldav. Samas on pilt nii udune, et sealt täpset mõõtu saada ei õnnestu. Erinevalt nendest "mõõtudest" tundub mulle, et tegu on 12-13m tiivaulatusega lennukiga.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4871
Liitunud: 14 Aug, 2008 14:19

Re: Hiinlaste teine varg-hävitaja J31 tegi esmalennu

Postitus Postitas Gideonic »

Kilo Tango kirjutas: Selline lennuki mõõtmine pildil on üsna jabur.
Eks ta ole jah :D

Samas on ka maapeal temast pilte tehtud koos teadaolevate mõõtudega veokiga (tõsi poolprofiilis).
Sweetman'i artiklist:
Direct head-on shot? Check. Commercially available aircraft tug? Check. Extreme telephoto, so that perspective effects are lost in the noise? Check. Sheesh, guys, can't you make it a challenge? The J-31's wingspan is an F-35-like 37.5 feet, unless my Soviet-watching skills have deserted me
Nii et eks ta jah pigem sinna 12 meetri kanti jääb.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2197
Liitunud: 30 Dets, 2004 12:19
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Hiinlaste teine varg-hävitaja J31 tegi esmalennu

Postitus Postitas Soobel »

5+ keeleloome eest: olen pikalt-pikalt mõelnud kuda seda kuradi stealth värki riigikeelde saada "varg -" liide on siiani pädevaim, mis kuulnud olen.
Vaid Siil mu kõrval lebas siin. Ta suri ammu.
Kasutaja avatar
Kilo Tango
Postitusi: 9144
Liitunud: 14 Aug, 2008 15:40

Re: Hiinlaste teine varg-hävitaja J31 tegi esmalennu

Postitus Postitas Kilo Tango »

Soobel kirjutas:5+ keeleloome eest: olen pikalt-pikalt mõelnud kuda seda kuradi stealth värki riigikeelde saada "varg -" liide on siiani pädevaim, mis kuulnud olen.
Toetushääled siitpoolt samuti.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4871
Liitunud: 14 Aug, 2008 14:19

Re: Hiina arengud

Postitus Postitas Gideonic »

Kunstniku nägemus Hiina arendamisel olevast zpommitajast (enamvähem soliidsest ajakirjast väidetavalt):
http://china-defense.blogspot.com.ee/20 ... on-of.html



Kui tõsi, siis lennuk on selgelt inspireeritud YF-23'est (eriti tagaosa):

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 4871
Liitunud: 14 Aug, 2008 14:19

Hiina arengud

Postitus Postitas Gideonic »

Viimaks on ka FC-31 prototüübid jälle lendama hakanud (prefix FC viitab ekspordikõlbulikle mudelile J'iga algavad mudelid on ainult Rahvaarmeele). Peale vaadates tundub mootor endiselt vene oma, aga võin siin ka eksida, pilt küllalt halb.


Shenyang büroo ei ole Hiinas mõnda aega üldiselt nii heas kirjas olnud kui J-10 ja J-20 loonud Chengdu. Ei ole nad minuteada ka ühtegi päris originaalset hävitajat varem loonud.

Sellegipoolest kui säärane Mig-29 hingeline järeltulija peaks ekspordimüüki minema, võiks see juba puht poliitilistel põhjustel osutuda kaunis edukaks (usun et paljudes 3. maailma riikides soovitakse pigem häid suhteid Hiina kui Venemaaga). See võib omakorda võtta eksporditurgu vene masinatelt. Aga see kõik on spekulatsioon ja eeldab ikka et Klimovi mootoritele suudetakse leida kohalik asendus (mis ei tohiks olla midagi võimatut vaadates mis on juhtumas teiste mudelitega).

Leidsin veel paar varasemat selle aasta pilti pilti:




Võrreldes 2012. a. prototüüpidega on muutuseid ikka päris korralikult:


Pigem ikka vist ei ole mootor enam RD-33 (nagu vanadel prototüüpidel kindlasti oli)?

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