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Liitunud: 23 Okt, 2007 21:19

Donbassi patatljoniülema artikkel

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Vabandan tõlke puudumise pärast.

"Гуманитарный конвой" за 200 км от границ...". Очередная страшилка приближается. Чем только не пугали Украину за эти месяцы. И все для того чтобы смирно сидели и ждали новых хозяев. Золотой унитаз ушел, "террористический сортир" все никак не приедет...

Не провоцировать- главный мессидж нашего времени. Под него работают грады с территории РФ, отдается Крым и почти отдается Донбасс, выплачиваются долги за разворованые януковичами кредиты, спокойно работают российские предприятия...

Никогда смирение не помогало жертве сохранить здоровье, честь и кошелек от хулигана в подворотне. Если ты слабее или их больше- смотри спокойно в глаза, говори те слова которые гопник не ждет, ставь его в тупик, пусть чувствует за тобой силу и отсутствие страха, не работай по сценарию агрессора, если ты жертва- все равно проиграешь.

Я не о подворотне. Я об ассиметричных ответах. Мы можем сейчас победить РФ в полномасштабной войне? Честно? Навряд ли... или ценой таких жертв... Будет ли для РФ победа в такой войне ТАКОЙ ценой приемлема? Конечно нет. Путин прекрасно понимает что под напором такого количества гробов хребет его системы будет сломан. И если он примет такое решение то только потому что поверит что этого можно избежать. А если показать что не сможет? И что еще самое уязвимое кроме власти? Правильно. Жизнь и кошелек.

Если мы хотим быть ведущими, а не ведомыми, игроками а не жертвами, если хотим завоевать право жить спокойно и самим принимать решения на своей земле, то надо еще вчера задуматься над ассиметричными ответами, если на симметричные не хватает сил. Вот два, навскидку. Президент Украины мог бы создать Центральный (а лучше Национальный) штаб партизанского движения) , а потом бы спокойно и методично, НАПОКАЗ проводил бы мероприятия по подготовке населения к партизанской войне. И склады с оружием и массовые учения ополчения в городах и курсы снайперов и саперов и многое другое. И люди были бы заняты делом, прекратили бы нервно вчитываться в новостную ленту. И уверенность в своих силах появилась бы, и агрессор десять раз подумал бы прежде чем бряцать танчиками у границ. Партизанская война, но только массовая, организованная государством, поддерживающая армию- это кошмар любого агрессора.

Второй. Спецподразделения по.борьбе с диверсантами и террористами. Которые имеют право превентивно действовать не только на своей территории. Все. Тушите свет. Дальше любая агрессия невыгодна. Град может "случайно" взорваться, труба раколоться, а пузатый "ястреб" мирно отдыхая в набитом наворованным у державы добром где то в европах или селигере просто где то "потеряться".

Все это даже может.и не использоваться. Просто хотя бы наличие таких инструментов у государства резко понижает желание играться в войнушку или сучить плотными кулачками на различных трибунах и угрожать нашей Украине.

Ато не закончено, следующей стадией может быть диверсионно террористическая война, вариант вторжения не исключен. Будем дальше жить в страхе в углу или сядем за стол и сделаем несколько достойных ходов на опережение?

P.S. кроме того что я написал есть масса других вариантов. Не важно. Главное- начать. Сейчас это можно сделать за деньги самих людей, даже не привлекая ресурсы государства. Простые люди одели, накормили, экпировали армию, мы вытянем и это. Только делайте что то. Не сидите пассивной мишенью рассчитывая только на санкции. Иначе завтра может быть поздно. Или для вас или для всех нас.
Postitusi: 872
Liitunud: 02 Juun, 2005 12:44

Re: Donbassi patatljoniülema artikkel

Postitus Postitas Lupus »

Paluks tõlget . Vähemalt minul võtab vene keelse teksti lugemine oluliselt kauem aega
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: Donbassi patatljoniülema artikkel

Postitus Postitas ruger »

Google translate abiks Kopeerid venekeelse teksti sinna ja ongi kõik. Inglisekeelne tõlge päris viisakas ja huvitav. 2 põhilist tähelepanekut ja ideed:

1-Idee luua riiklik partisaniliikumise keskus, mis hakkaks läbi viima kursuseid sapööridele, snaipritele jne. Koolitused oleksid massilised ning hõlmaksid palju inimesi. Võimalikult suur rahva kaasamine väljaõppesse ja koolitustele. Siit on näha probleemi põhjust-ajateenistuse kaotamine ja uuesti loomine, toob selliste sündmuste korral mitmeid kordi suurema vajaduse väljaõppe saanud inimeste järgi.
2-eriüksused, kellel vaba voli tegutseda probleemide korral vastase tagalas jne.

Lõpus olnud tähelepanek võiks olla 3-s

3-inimesed peavad valmis olema halvade aegade saabumiseks ja varuma endale varustust ning mitte jääma ootama riigi poolset abi. Et ärgake inimesed Ukrainas ja hakake mõtlema, et asjad võivad minna väga halvaks. Asi on mõtlemises kinni.
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 544
Liitunud: 20 Veebr, 2012 12:52

Re: Donbassi patatljoniülema artikkel

Postitus Postitas Aixc »

Lupus kirjutas:Paluks tõlget . Vähemalt minul võtab vene keelse teksti lugemine oluliselt kauem aega
OT., kuid Firefoxi browseri kasutajatele julgeks soovitada Quick Translator pluginat, kiire ja mugav valitud teksti või kogu lehe tõlkimiseks. ... or/?src=ss
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: Donbassi patatljoniülema artikkel

Postitus Postitas ruger »

Ukrainas hakataksegi ette valmistama inimesi võimaliku partisaniliikumiseks ettevalmistamiseks
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Re: Donbassi patatljoniülema artikkel

Postitus Postitas ruger »

ruger kirjutas:Ukrainas hakataksegi ette valmistama inimesi võimaliku partisaniliikumiseks ettevalmistamiseks väike video ja jutt ka juures. Väljaõpe läks lahti.
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 19502
Liitunud: 04 Juul, 2009 12:29

Ukraina vastupanuliiikumine Donbassis

Postitus Postitas ruger »

Tõlgitud(inglisekeelne) versioon intervjuust grupi "Varjud" juhiga. PS-Mõned peavad seda väljamõelduks, mõned mitte.
Inglisekeelne artikkel pärit
Ukrainakeelne artikkel pärit ... izn-_.html

By Oleksandr Puntus
Translated and edited by Voices of Ukraine

Thanks to Aleksandr Gladky’s Facebook page, the guerilla unit “Shadows” became famous throughout the country [Ukraine].

You can choose not to believe his words. You can choose not to agree with his assessments. But it is impossible not to envy his confidence in his forces and the righteousness of his cause.

- Aren’t you afraid to reveal your last name?

– Gladky – is not my last name. What should I be afraid of? Who needs [to know my name] – will figure out my name anyway. Let them try to take me [though].

– What did you do before the war?

– I worked in the security service for companies and corporations. Before that – I worked as an investigator for particularly important cases [Prosecutor’s Office].

– When did you decide for yourself that you would have to take up arms?

– On March 13, 2014. After I attended a rally on Lenin Square in Donetsk, and we all nearly got set on fire in a bus.

– Who came up with the name “Shadows” [for the unit]?

– I did. After all, we are the shadows of [our] enemies. We are always next to them. And just as you cannot kill your own shadow, it is impossible to destroy us.

– I’m not asking about the exact numbers, but how many guerrilla fighters are you talking about – single individuals, dozens, hundreds?

– Dozens.

– All local?

– Yes, all from Donbas.

– Do these people live both on liberated and occupied territories?

– I’m not ready to answer this question.

– Did you have instances of treason or escape [in your unit]?

– No.

- Do you work across the entire Donetsk region?

– From Novoazovsk [southernmost city in the region] to Donetsk.

– Where do you get the weapons from?

– [Our weapons] are trophies. We got our first guns with our bare hands. We killed those with the weapons with our bare hands.

– Do you have a large number of trained people capable of killing with their hands?

– It’s enough to destroy two guys, and you already have the weapons. And then, who were those people with weapons in their hands? Drug addicts, alcoholics. So it is not as difficult to obtain the weapons as it seems.

– As far as I understand, all sorts of people serve in your unit.

– There are officers among us. But they are few. We mostly have volunteers who learn to work on the go.

– But they must possess at least the minimum skills, for example, fire training.

– And where [are we supposed] to train? Sorry, but we don’t have training grounds. We don’t even have “greenery” [forests]. Just [farming] fields everywhere. We partner newbies with more experienced fighters, and that’s about it. In civilian life, these people were not even aware that they were capable of [so] much. That, without training, they would be able to quickly acquire such knowledge, such abilities.

– What are your tactical goals?

– The physical elimination of the enemy, sabotage, as well as data collection and its transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Sometimes, we work with the Armed Forces for fire correction.

– Are you in constant communication with the Armed Forces? Did you seek them out, or they did attempt to contact you first?

– Unfortunately, the military never take the initiative. We did initiate [the contact] and sought out the military. Currently, all commanders have plenty of contacts in the army, and the information gets transmitted up the chain. If there is a rotation of staff at a checkpoint, the newcomers get [our] contacts. He gets our contact phone number and is instructed: you can turn to these guys on any issue.

– When you talk about the physical elimination of the enemy, is it a randomly selected target? Or do you purposefully track and work on a particular object?

– The groups that are part of this unit act autonomously. 70-80% of the operations to destroy the enemy (both manpower and equipment) are carried out in free hunting. Usually, accessible targets are selected, whose elimination will allow [us] to finish the task with minimal losses.

Sometimes, specific objectives get set. For example, work on unit commanders. About three months ago, we shifted to the elimination of mostly military personnel of the Russian Federation, Russian mercenaries, and separatist commanders.

– And how many of these targets have you eliminated?

– Andrey Borisov, callsign “Chechen,” field commander, former commandant of the city of Mariupol. He was eliminated along with two officers of the GRU, Protasov and Lysyakov. General Sergei Andreychenko and field commander Rafi Abdul Jabar, 12 Russians and six Chechens with them. On November 23, [2014,] we eliminated eight Chechens, seven Russians, and three separatists in the area of Kominternove, who came to organize counterinsurgency operations. Among them, call signs “Lion,” “Izbrannyi”[“Chosen One”] and “Fifth” were eliminated. On December 27, in collaboration with the SBU, we eliminated a sniper team leader Amir Aldanov, call sign “Leader.” In January [of 2015], we eliminated Russian Major-General Petr Pavlov. And the traitor-General Oleh Morhun, the former head of Mariupol police, who sided with the separatists.

We worked on Zakharchenko [DNR leader] from a Dragunov sniper rifle, but missed and killed a security guard.

– I read that this was an army sniper.

– I know that it was our man. I know his name. Our work is often attributed to others. We are used to it.

– Is it possible to eliminate such characters as “Motorola” or “Givi“?

– Of course.

– Then why are they still alive?

– [People] follow them around, run surveillance on them. There have been plenty of attempts on Givi’s life…

– How many?

– I am aware of two.

– [He is] this lucky?

– We were a step away from elimination. But the Almighty has other plans for now.

– Have you stumbled on the generals which, in your words, have been eliminated, by accident, or [have you pursued them] on purpose?

– On purpose.

– Where do you get the confidence that the eliminated individuals are really the Russian generals?

– We have reliable sources.

– Can you name the total number of eliminated individuals?

– Up to 600 people. But I do not have the latest data, the guys didn’t report in. A part of the group went up to the north. [They] work in the back of the enemy lines.

– As far as I understand, you don’t have particular opportunities to confirm the elimination.

– Yes, we have difficulties with the evidentiary basis. As a rule, we work at dusk or at night, often at a distance. We neither have the time nor the opportunity to take photos or videos of our operations. We have no objectives to promote ourselves either. Our task – is to provide Russia with a sufficient number of caskets. So that the citizens of that country realize what they got themselves into.

– What are your losses?

– We don’t have the “300’s” [wounded]. Only “200’s” [deceased]. We lost eight soldiers. I also count as our losses the five guys from the sabotage and reconnaissance group of my friend Vitalik Ukraintsev, who died near Pisky. And another good friend of mine died in Donetsk. 14 people I light candles for.

– Where and when was your first serious work?

– In the spring [of 2014] we took the Executive Committee of Mariupol twice. First in April, we practically took it with our bare hands. We performed a task set before us: kicked the “orcs” out, seized three assault rifles and several Makarov pistols, and called the security forces under the direction of Valery Androshchuk, who was then the head of Administration of Internal Affairs in Mariupol. They cordoned off the executive committee. [They] conducted investigative and operational activities of the detainees. But in the evening under Hotlubey’s command [mayor of Mariupol – Ed. Note] a “DNR” flag was erected [over the building.]

And when we arrived in Dnipropetrovsk, we were asked: “What, is it too hard to take the executive committee for the second time?” And so we seized it on May 6th.

– And what did you do in Dnipropetrovsk?

– We came to Dnipropetrovsk to retrieve the reward promised by [Ihor] Kolomoisky.

– For the captured [servicemen]?

– We do not take anyone prisoner. Then, if you remember, [they] promised to pay not only for the prisoners, but also for the weapons and for the liberation of the captured administrative buildings. We wanted to get a reward for taking back the building.

– Have they paid?

– No. But it does not matter. We are not fighting for money. The promised 10,000 would have been a nice bonus. We didn’t get the bonus – God be with him.

On May 6, we liberated the Mariupol executive committee for the second time. We took it in three groups of five. We used liquid “Fialka,” which severely affects the mucosa. We worked the building, and all of them crawled out.

Then we and the groups moved back to Donetsk. One group was left in Mariupol. When the shooting started in Mariupol on May 9, all that the group could do was to disable two APCs seized from the [Russian] military. [The group] set one ablaze and poured some chemical concoction on the second.

– When the “Azov” [battalion] liberated Mariupol, did you offer it assistance?

– At the time, separatists crawled to the 4th building of the Institute and the bank building at the intersection of Gretska and Italianska Streets. They set up barricades there, reinforced them with heavy weapons, grenade launchers, machine guns, and armored vehicles.

Then I spoke with Ihor Mosiychuk. We agreed that at some point our group will spread “Fialka” to both buildings with “orcs” and will make a pass through two checkpoints. At the same time, I warned “Azov” servicemen to use gas masks, and explained which ones. We completed our task.

On the eve of the operation, “Azov” rightly launched the information about the impending assault and that the battalion had received heavy weapons.

And because [of that] at the time of the assault the “orcs” only had up to a hundred “die-hard crazies” and that’s all. The rest left. Took heavy weapons, the prisoners, and left. “Chechen” and his team spread [themselves] around the city, and then left for the north, in the direction of Sloviansk.

– What is a priority in the work for you – the elimination of the enemy, sabotage work or intelligence gathering?

– To maintain good relations with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, one must gather intelligence. But young people (and there are many of them) don’t find the scout work interesting. They want more action. And rightly so. And [it’s] necessary. That’s why we engage in the elimination of personnel and equipment. We use MONs (MON – Controlled frag mine of directed action. – Ed. Note) and landmines.

– Do you conduct acts of sabotage on communications?

– We blow up equipment. [We] treat tanks and “Grads” with chemical “concoctions.” We haven’t initiated [sabotage] on communications. In one instance, we disabled a substation in the vicinity of Telmanove. But it was a distracting blow. We needed to divert attention and leave safely. We try to work at a distance. We do not engage in direct fire contact without need.

– If the nature of the relationship between you and the Armed Forces changes, and the Army will not only be interested in gathering intelligence, but also in intensification of the subversive work, are you ready to cooperate with the military?

– We must assess the complexity of a task, and our own capabilities. If we can perform [it] – then we will do it. If not – then no.

– Did you get ambushed?

– A group of five people went to Luhansk and disappeared. They probably got ambushed. It was the first and only attempt so far to move into other areas.

– How do you replenish your weapons and ammunition?

– Trophies.

– No other means?

– There are. The Armed Forces help us a bit. That is, personal contacts do. Volunteers help as well – with body armor, clothing, and thermal underwear.

– How do volunteers reach you?

– They work with “Dnipro-1″ [battalion]. And I am officially listed there.

– What about night vision and thermal imagers?

– The guys have trophies. We have everything. For example, separatists had an underground weapons repair shop in the hospital in Telmanove. We know where their repair shops are. We completed the task, took what we needed, and then treated the building with chemicals.

– Is someone other than you still listed in the units of the Armed Forces, the Internal Affairs or the National Guard of Ukraine?

– No one.

– That is, they won’t be likely to receive the status of the ATO participants?

– If we are unable to do something about this in the near future, then most likely not. Previously, a lot of people promised to help with many things. Especially before the elections to the Verkhovna Rada [Ukrainian Parliament]. But those who get there [to the Parliament], as a rule, immediately grow cold to the war. Although there are exceptions. For example, Taruta [former governor of Donetsk region].

Even though he ended up in a place of lepers, the Verkhovna Rada, he continues to help in any way he can. In my opinion, the two people who have done a lot for Ukraine in this difficult time are Taruta and Korban [deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration]. Although they might not have been motivated by patriotism in the beginning, their interests coincided with the interests of the Ukrainian people. And they gave it everything they had. And [they] continue to give it all even now.

– Do you have a plan “B” in case the line of contact, God forbid, moves far enough from the place where your soldiers operate?

– [Our] groups are autonomous. They are able to provide themselves with everything they need –weapons, ammunition, and food. The enemy has everything that we [might] need.

I would not overestimate the participation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to provide us with ammunition and everything else.

And, by the way, we periodically had troubles crossing our checkpoints. We crossed separatist checkpoints without any issues, but have problems with ours. So, if there is no army close by ­– it’s not a critical [problem].

– And psychologically?

– We are used to working surrounded by the enemy. This is what our work is about. I have no grenades [on me] only when in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Zaporizhzhia. I will definitely decide against getting caught. If any of our groups significantly “exposes” itself, I will bring it under [the auspices] of one of our battalions. Given personal contacts with battalion commanders, I will be able to do it.

Being in close proximity to the enemy – is our work. The enemy must feel the power of the people’s resistance in the occupied territory. And we must prepare other regions – Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, and Kherson – for the guerrilla movement.

– Do you think the war will go this far?

– We have to consider all the possibilities. If that happens, then I see the only way out – to start a war on the territory of the Russian Federation. If Russian troops begin to move deep inside the country [Ukraine], we will organize local apocalypses for them on their territory.

– What are the specifics of working with the local population?

– That we have to find the right grandmothers and grandfathers, who can confirm this or that information.

– And how do you motivate your sources?

– If a grandmother receives 200-300 [8-12 USD] Hryvnias, why won’t she help?

– Where did you get the funds to work with the public?

– I get a salary and bonuses.

– But this is not enough?

– This is enough.

– For real?

– I’m not saying that we “feed” everyone. My bonuses are in the whereabouts of 28,000 Hryvnias [1,204 USD]. I can donate to the common cause. For the sake of future victory. I am sure it will be swift and final.

Because you cannot defeat the people. There are, of course, some proletarians, who live in their own fantasy world. I traveled a lot and I can see the difference between our people and the Russians. Our people are not bad or good, just different. And these people are undefeatable.

– You will not argue that the people like you are in the minority in Donbas?

– But the “Orcs” are not in the majority, too. I can confidently say that, for example, a number of pro-Ukrainian residents has increased in the area of Novoazovsk. People have something to compare to [now].

– Most [people] just sit and wait.

– Let them sit and wait. Most important thing is that they don’t jerk around with a gun.

– But there are plenty [of people] with weapons, too.

– Less and less every day. Human resources are finite. I understand that the Kremlin has turned Donbas into a zone for the disposal of its [the Kremlin’s] genetic waste. But sooner or later this source will dry up as well.

– What is the ratio of locals and Russians in the enemy ranks?

– I can only speak for our area of responsibility. Previously, there were about five thousand armed persons. Of these, separatists constituted about a thousand and Russians – 4,000. Now the situation has changed; redeployment takes place periodically. I can’t speak definitively, I must look at a specific place at certain time. For example, the Novoazovsk highway is completely controlled by the Russians. They have a very bad relationship with the separatists; the Russians consider them cannon fodder. The guerrillas once took advantage of this and provoked a fight between the “orcs” and the Chechens.

– Do you not believe in a truce with the enemy?

– You cannot negotiate with them!

– Then [we] need to fight to the bitter end? Take Donetsk and Luhansk?

– It we take Donetsk, Luhansk will die on its own.

– But the attack on major cities will incur heavy losses.

– If you think linearly it will. But this war is not linear. Let [them] search for a solution. If they need it – I can offer my suggestions. There is always a solution. If the government sees salvation only in surrender, then it is certainly not the government of winners.

People, not the government, wage [this] war. And the people will win this war, not the government. And the government… If the government gives up on Donbas, then it will live looking over their shoulders. All their lives.
Ainus, mida me ajaloost õpime, on see, et keegi ei õpi ajaloost midagi.
Live for nothing or die for something.
Kui esimene kuul kõrvust mõõda lendab, tuleb vastu lasta.
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares


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Melitopolis likvideerisid "partisanid" kaks "kõrget" okupanti

Varem on ajutiselt okupeeritud Melitopoli nimetati partisaniliikumise keskuseks.
Eile varahommikul leiti okupeeritud Melitopolist kaks surnukeha. Meedia andmetel võivad tegemist olla "kõrgete" okupantidega ja nende hukkumisega on tõenäoliselt seotud kohalikud "partisanid".
Varem nimetas Ameerika Sõjauuringute Instituut Melitopoli partisaniliikumise keskuseks. Linnapea Ivan Fjodorovi sõnul on kohalikud patrioodid alates okupatsiooni algusest läbi viinud enam kui 20 edukat vastupanuoperatsiooni sissetungijatele, kahjustanud kahesuguse kasutusega kriitilise infrastruktuuri rajatisi, pakkunud väärtuslikku sõjalist teavet väeosade paigutamise kohta. okupatsiooniväed Ukraina luurele ja likvideeris enam kui sada sissetungijat.

Nagu teatatud, panid Vene okupandid Melitopolis autode numbritele keiserlikud sümbolid. ... jgwNTUuNjA. ... trupa.html

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares

Vene-Ukraina sõda

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Melitopolis lasid partisanid õhku venelaste soomusrongi: plahvatas otse sissetungijate vaguni all.
15:05, 18.05.22

Ajutiselt okupeeritud Melitopolis lasid partisanid õhku Vene sissetungijate soomusrongi.

Esialgsetel andmetel plahvatas rööbastele paigaldatud lõhkekeha otse isikkoosseiu vaguni all. Hetkel on vigastatute ja hukkunute arv täpsustamisel.

Sellest teatasid "RIA Melitopol" ja Zaporožje territooriumi kaitseväe peakorter.

Märgitakse, et okupeeritud Melitopoli lihakombinaadi piirkonnas toimus Vene sissetungijate soomusrongi kauglõhkamine. Plahvatus kahjustas raudteed ja tehnikat.

"Rong koosnes 10 vagunist, plahvatus toimus personaliga vaguni all. Plahvatuse tagajärjel said kahjustada kaks raudteerööbast, soomusrong peatati ning järgnenud vedur koos 10 tsisterni kütuse ja määrdeainetega, » teatab kaitseväe peastaap.

Tuletame meelde, et 17. mai hommikul leidsid uskmatud Melitopolist kaks surnukeha. Kohaliku teabe kohaselt on hukkunud kõrged sõjaväelased. ... 65066.html

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares


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Ukraina vastupanuliikumisest ja partisanide tegevusest pole seni teateid just palju, kuid siiski...
Püüan mõned varasemad siia koondada.

Melitopolis likvideerisid tundmatud patrioodid 20. märtsist 12. aprillini öösel umbes 70 Vene sissetungijat.
Allikas: Ukraina kaitseministeeriumi luure peadirektoraat
Sõna otseses mõttes: "On kindlaks tehtud, et ajavahemikul 20. märtsist 12. aprillini likvideeriti ajutiselt okupeeritud Melitopolis öiste patrullide käigus 70 Vene kaitseväelast. Nende hulgas oli ka sissetungijaid, sealhulgas kadõrovlasi."
Ööpatrullide surma põhjuseks liikumiskeelu ajal olid noa- ja kuulihaavad.
Üksikasjad: Ukraina luure andmetel olid need surmad tingitud Ukraina vastupanuliikumisest. GUR väidab, et okupandid ei leidnud Vene sõdurite likvideerimisega seotud isikuid.
Okupatsiooniadministratsioon varjab hoolikalt Vene sõjaväelaste hukkumise täpset arvu ja asjaolusid.

Ajutiselt okupeeritud Melitopolis panid vastupanuliikumise liikmed üles Ukraina-meelseid lendlehti. Gorki nime kandvas keskpargis märkasid kohalikud jalutuskäigul isamaalisi kirju postidel ja seintel. Sellised juhtumid turgutavad nende inimeste moraali, kes on ajutiselt vaenlase poolt hõivatud.
Artikli juures on fotod.

"Sissid" tuletasid okupantidele meelde, et Donetsk on Ukraina.
Niisiis, Donetski "sissid" maalisid Ukraina lipu värvides silla käsipuudele ja ka garaažidele.
"Ajutiselt okupeeritud Donetsk. Rahvuslik vastupanu aktsioonis," - allkirjastas foto Internetis. ... goroda.htm
Artikli juures on fotod.

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares


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Stary Saltovi elanik jättis Vene sõdurid mürskude ja akudeta
18.05.2022, kell 13:26

Stary Saltovi külas saboteeris okupatsiooni ajal üks kohalik elanik Vene sõjaväelasi: varastas neilt laskemoona, dokumente ja kütust. Ja ükskord plahvatas ta miini peal ja kaotas jala, kirjutab "Public".

Stary Saltovi okupatsiooni algusest peale jälgis 63-aastane Vassili külas suurel hulgal Vene tehnikat, puruks tulistatud tsiviilautosid ja tsiviilisikute surnukehi. Tema külas olid vene autod: jalaväe lahingumasinad, soomustransportöörid, "Uuralid".

Ühel päeval leidis mees koeraga jalutades ühe Vene sõjaväemasina juurest kastid laskemoonaga. Vassili võttis leitud kestad endaga kaasa ja peitis need ühe suvila tualetti. Seejärel viis ta sinna üle leitud vene okupantide dokumendid.

Plaanid sissetungijate heidutamiseks töötas mees välja öösel.

"Öösiti lesid, mõtled, ei maga. Süda valutab Harkivi pärast. Poja pärast, meie kõigi pärast," räägib Vassili.

Lisaks laskemoonale ja dokumentidele varastas mees vaenlase sõidukitelt akusid ja lõikas läbi voolikuid, et okupandid ei saaks varustust tankida.

Ühe sellise reidi käigus plahvatas mees laskemoona otsas. Sel päeval läks ta põllule kontrollima, kas hukkunud Ukraina sõdurite surnukehad on ära viidud ja astus miinile.

Pärast plahvatust aitas Vassilit koer Malva. Mees eemaldas looma rihma ja tõmbas jala ümber ning Malva aitas tal rajale pääseda. Seal võtsid Ukraina sõjaväelased haavatud peale ja pärast esmaabi toimetasid nad Harkivi haiglasse. ... mulyatorov

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares


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Vene sissetungijad kardavad öist "sissisõda" ja hakkavad õppima ukraina keelt
Okupandid kurdavad omavahelistes telefonivestlustes Ukraina kaitsjate pidevate rünnakute üle Zaporižžjas ja jätavad juba hüvasti lausega "Hüvasti".

See on öeldud SBU uues pealtkuulamises.

"Igal õhtul, bl * d, me võitleme DRG-ga, mis, bl * t, iga öö algab, nah * y, et minna külla... Noh, ühesõnaga, bl * d, zae * alo all, ma tahan mine koju, bl * d. Mõned on juba rühmas: lähme, sööme, askeldame,” kurdab okupant oma kamraadile, kes samuti võitleb Ukrainas.
Vestluse lõpus lülituvad sissetungijad ukraina keelele. Tundub, et peagi õpetavad meie võitlejad neid õigesti tervitama – "Au Ukrainale!".

Peamine koodsõna "paljanitsa" jääb aga okupantidele ikkagi kättesaamatuks.

Nagu ka plaanid Ukraina pinnal kanda kinnitada, kus isegi traktor suudab Vene tanki "partisaniseerida"!

Üle vene keele tõlkides sain sellise roppuse:
Vene sissetungijad kardavad öist "partisanismi" ja hakkavad õppima ukraina keelt
Omavahelistes telefonivestlustes kurdavad uskmatud Ukraina kaitsjate pidevate rünnakute üle Zaporožjes ja jätavad juba hüvasti fraasidega "Hüvasti".

See on öeldud SBU uues pealtkuulamises.

"Igal õhtul, pagan, me kakleme DRG-ga, kes neljapäeval algab igal õhtul, pagan, tuleb külla ... Noh, ühesõnaga, kurat, kõik on perses, ma tahan koju minna, kurat seda. Osad on juba kannul: paneme maha, kolime välja, perse,” kurdab okupant oma kamraadile, kes samuti võitleb Ukrainas.
Vestluse lõpus lülituvad sissetungijad ukraina keelele. Tundub, et peagi õpetavad meie võitlejad neid õigesti tervitama – "Au Ukrainale!".

Peamine koodsõna "või" jääb aga uskmatutele ikkagi kättesaamatuks.

Nagu ka plaanid Ukraina pinnal kanda kinnitada, kus isegi traktor suudab Vene tanki "partiseerida"!

Soovitan kuulata... ... nsku-movu/

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares


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Soomusrongist ja plahvatusest.
Artikkel sisaldab pisut kummalisi kohalikke iseärasusi, mida ei oskagi tõlkida...

Kolmapäeval, 18. mail kuuldi Melitopoli raudteel võimas plahvatus. Nagu täna selgus, 19. mail sõitis ajutiselt okupeeritud Krimmist laskemoona vedanud Vene soomusrong rööbastelt maha ja paiskus ümber, põhjustades laskemoona plahvatuse.

Sellest teatati Zaporožje piirkonnavalitsuses.

See juhtus kahel põhjusel: ametialane hooletus ja Ukraina kopikad. Venelased ei kaasa ajutiselt okupeeritud territooriumidel raudtee haruteede hooldamisse raudteelasi, kuid jätkavad nende käitamist ülekoormusega, mis toob kaasa rööbaste kiirenenud kulumise.

Melitopoli teed polnud erand – need olid lubamatus seisus. Seetõttu piisas Zaporožje oblasti Vastupanuliikumise esindajatel mündi sisse panemisest, et Vene sissetungijate soomusrongis õnnetus juhtuda – mitu laskemoonaga vagunit läks ümber ja seejärel plahvatas. Sündmuskohal töötab kaks uskmatute sõjaväekraanat.

Zaporožje oblastivalitsus tuletas meelde, et Melitopoli oblastis hävitasid partisanid umbes sada sissetungijat. ... ole/269421

Artiklis kasutatud väljendid "kopikad" ja "münt" on tõenäoliselt vihje väljendile "5 kopika panustamisele" ehk partisanide panusele.

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares


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Khersoni partisanid hoiatavad sissetungijaid

Linnas ilmuvad kõnekad lendlehed, mis selgitavad üsna üheselt, mis Vene sõdureid ees ootab.

Pilt seinale kleebitud plakatist.

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 5193
Liitunud: 23 Jaan, 2006 14:10
Asukoht: Kodutares


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Ukraina partisanid likvideerivad okupeeritud aladelt Vene sõjaväelased
19. mai 2022 Okupeeritud Melitopolis tapsid Ukraina partisanid kaks kõrget Vene sõjaväeametnikku. Hiljuti tapsid tundmatud inimesed Hersonis kollaborandi - blogija Kuleshovi, Donetskis värviti sild siniseks ja kollaseks. Ukrainlaste partisaniliikumine kogub hoogu. ... 0%A8%D0%86

[i]Miski siin ilmas ei saa viibida nii sügavas vaikuses kui surnud inimene.[/i]
Frederic Manning

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